Bingo! This is the idea that we’ve been looking for!

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Is this art or is this real?

This answer is: WHO CARES???!!!!

The important thing about this photo is the reverse band at the bottom: “FREE CHIPS FOR EVERY READER”

What a great idea. Give away free potato (Yes!) chips with every paper. Potato chips — the perfect food.

Probably easier to pull off than FREE BEER with every paper.


Well played, chaps. Well played.


Head on over to The Times to see how they covered the liberation of Hitler’s Europe. A familiar story, right? Well, to some, but The Times takes a “Your Are There” approach and their D-Day front is crafted as breaking news.

We get a glimpse of how the invasion might have been covered if there was an Internet or personal computers around back then.

All the story link back to archives of the The Times, so it’s interesting to be reading the first draft of history.

My only complaint, is that I wish the editors had committed 100 percent and dumped or altered the modern day elements such as the Delta ads or the Most Read stories today etc. Still if you can filter out those elements, it’s still a pretty interesting concept.

Well played, chaps, well played.