More NewsPAPER death analysis


Not much new here, but this statement pretty much sums up the issue:

Traditionally, a U.S. newspaper relied upon three revenue streams, roughly one-third each: subscriptions, commercial advertising, and classifieds.

First, the Internet ate the classifieds (see Craigslist), then moved on to some of that display stuff.

It is this which is blamed for the decline of the industry and the associated calls that Google and or Facebook should cough up some money to revive it.

Read the rest.


The worst headline in America

03D7B891-3D5A-4A42-B4F4-1C5A6507FD52I had hoped not to see a headline along this vain, but looks like the copy desk at The Trentonian decided to throw out good taste and run with what has got to be the Worst Headline in America.

For non-history buffs, here’s what Wikipedia has:

The Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre is the name given to the 1929 murder in Chicago of seven men of the North Side gang during the Prohibition Era. It happened on February 14, and resulted from the struggle between the Irish American gang and the South Side Italian gang led by Al Capone to take control of organized crime in the city.

So there you have it. School shooting with 17 murdered put on the same par as a gangland slaying.  Keep it classy guys and gals.

NewsPAPERS extinction timeline


According to the Future Exploration Network (a media industry think-tank), the extinction rate of NewsPAPERS is faster than a Pterosaurs looking up at a big-ass flaming meteor!

This graphic shows the number of years before “newspapers in their current form will become insignificant.” Looks like NewsPAPERS in the USA are insignificant as of last year.
Read more:


10 more years until the end?

this is the end.jpg

Once again, someone is sounding the death knell of Newspapers, and byNewsPAPERS, of course, I mean PRINT Newspapers.

This time, it’s The New York Times CEO Mark Thompson, who says that Newspapers have another 10 years before print bites the dust.

A key point:

“Without question we make more money on a print subscriber.”

That’s the key to understanding why NewsPAPERS are still around, That probably won’t change until there’s a flip, where digital subscribers/advertising bring in more ad revenue.

Matter of fact, I don’t think it will take a total flip. I’m making a prediction here: When digital ad revenue hits 51 percent of NewsPAPER’s revenues, they will kill the print product.

I used to tell people that NewsPAPERS would never die until people could take computers into the bathroom with them. I felt pretty solid on that prediction until smartphones came along.