Fan gets President Obama to autograph iPad

OK, This has nothing to do with newspapers, but it is pretty cool… President Obama becomes the first president to give his autograph to someone on an iPad!

This happened at the rally in Seattle, Wash. This fellow used the iPad’s Ideas app for his request and the Prez obliged. You can tell from the video that Obama thought it was pretty cool.

Kudos to Sylvester for bringing autograph hunting into the 21st Century!

Boodos to all the riffraff that you can hear in the video screaming “OBAMA!”

Don’t they realize they should be screaming “PRESIDENT OBAMA!” or “MR. PRESIDENT!”

Peoples got no respect these days.

Put your glad rags on — not quite prêt-à-porter


I thought my previous post about dresses made out of old newspapers would be the first and only, but apparently newsprint  lives in the world of Couture.

Designers whipped up these and other fashions at the prompting of the folks at Yesterday’s News cat litter

According to the Ecouture article, each “was composed almost entirely of repurposed newspaper, the same material Yesterday’s News is made from.”

Kudos to the website for this little pun: “ Page through our slideshow for the complete scoop.” along with this hed, ”Eco-Designers Turn Yesterday’s News into Headline-Making Paper Couture”

See the rest of the photos at Ecouture.

Medical Mary Jane ads a budding biz for local papers


The Colorado Springs Independent my ol’ home town indy paper gets highlighted by the NYT for the lastest issue of ReLeaf — a pullout supplement — devoted to “medical” marijuana.

The NYTimes notes that medical Mary Jane is pumping up ad revenues for local papers where MMJ is legal. Good news for the papers, and I’m not talking about the Zig-Zag kind!

It’s ironic that Colorado Springs is such a conservative town — home of Fort Carson, NORAD, the Air Force Academy among others and Focus on the Family among the leading religious orgs.