Wait, what?! Is ‘dude’ next?

Meghan Mangrum of The Dallas Morning News Tweeted this to Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson:

Bruh, national news is always going to chase the trend. Cultivate relationships with quality local news partnerships

Mangrum’s Tweet

Three days later, she was fired for addressing Johnson as “bruh.” Apparently the DMN bosses think that this is a racist comment, asking Mangrum if she would have used the term if hizzonor was white [he’s black].

Are you f-ing kidding me?

Since when in “bruh” racist? Look it up at Urban Dictionary

A word that an use one or more of the following expressions and/or words that are listed below
-I can’t believe it
-Come ooooooooooooooooon
-Nothing left to say

Urban Dictionary

Sounds like the Morning News responded to some sort of outside pressure by who knows who [any guesses] or used this as an excuse to get rid of someone.