Welcome to the Ultra City Times!

If you haven’t watched Ultra City Smiths on AMC you are missing out! IMDB describes it: ”Follows the investigation into the mysterious disappearance of fictional metropolis Ultra City’s most famous magnate by two intrepid detectives.“

Well, it’s really great stop motion animation.. and of course, since I’m talking about it there’s a fictional Newspaper involved.

We have 34th Street Chuck, who runs a newsstand.

Where he sells the Ultra City Times.

And to make a long story very short, Street Hustler Boy finds himself without pants, so what does he do? Of course, NEWSPAPER PANTS!

Overall very fun to watch. However, one criticism on the Ultra City Times, and I only noticed this getting the screen cap, is that the animators sort of messed up the inside pages. Take a look:

That is some bleed that would never happen in a real rag. Of course, it’s on screen for a few seconds, but we know that corners were cut.

We Press On for you … We’re getting serious now!

Nothing saying we’re getting serious better than the gravitas of good ol’ black & white photography.

From my former Newspaper, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

They’ve followed through with the B&W theme in the video:

I like this campaign…. Kudos to everyone!

Make sure to scroll down to find out more about these AJC journalists:

And download some of these images to share on social media: